Our chapel walkway and staircase is being redesigned to honor those past and present. Each brick will also become a stepping stone to our community’s future. For all to acknowledge and admire, with gratitude. Each Brick starts with a $250+ contribution. You Can:
We need your help. From project managers, to event staff, to phone callers. Just fill out your contact information, and someone will be in touch with you shortly.
For those with greater financial means, we have a special wishlist of items that we would like to discuss with you. Phase II of our rebuilding includes new classrooms, and a gymnasium for the whole community of Jacksonville to enjoy. Fill out your contact information, and one of our executive board members will reach out to you.
Please consider making a contribution right now, and joining us at one of community fundraising events. From the smallest contributions, to the largest, every contrbution is necessary and welcome. Thank you for your consideration.